I was the co-president of my school's DECA chapter in the 2023-2024 school year. As co-pres, I:
pioneered event strategy presentations, helping students in the club select their event and giving them tips on how to succeed in those events
created a comprehensive resource folder with help for every type of test and event available
held our first ever (as well as second and third ever) 'miniconference' to simulate real competition and help members prepare
managed 17-person officer team: assigned project roles, tasks, slides, etc.
created weekly meeting slides, presented in weekly meetings, acted as a 'point-of-contact' for members of the club
coordinated with advisors and school administration to handle logistics of club and competition
I was a mentor for my school's DECA chapter in the 2022-2023 school year. As mentor, I:
helped members with practice roleplays/written presentations
helped take attendance for meetings and present slides on pertinent topics
provided the most detailed feedback out of every other mentor in the club
mentored ~10 students individually
In the same school year, I campaigned for the position of California DECA Vice President of Marketing. For my campaign, I:
took a knowledge test, created booth materials, went through multiple rounds of interviews and prepared a portfolio
created a California DECA Discord server to better connect all chapters and communicate information
started a DECA-focused Instagram account (@decafam_mayas)
TED Talks Club and TEDx Event
I am currently the president of my school's TED Talks Club. In the club, we learn about the components of an effective TED talk and watch/analyze various successful talks. We also work on writing our own talks throughout the year.
I am also the lead student organizer for my school's first-ever TEDx event (TEDxBISV). I have been working to set up this event for over two years. As the lead, I:
coordinated with my school to get the green light for the event and obtained an official TEDx event license
selected speakers
assist speakers in curating their talks and ensure that they are on time to finish content, memorization, and visuals before the event
manage event logistics (including setup, budget, etc.)
Math Kangaroo
I was the co-admin of the Math Kangaroo contest branch at my school. I was responsible for:
coordinating with my school to set up the competition
leading outreach efforts about the competition (to parents, teachers, etc.) and recruiting 50 participants
organizing preparatory workshops for middle and high school students
managing signup and event logistics
coordinating with parents about competition details
Workshop 1: https://dell.zoom.us/rec/share/VHu6uCxo5g1hxnNkiwNSGrYEkQ5GJrwX5-fBk5LpZjIbelytflOR5TwxCBDtfwWz.h9zBwohigvd1DOj7 (Passcode: K&Bx*mf5)
Workshop 2: https://dell.zoom.us/rec/share/du6ciTM-ebzI3G5vlZzJO0nY6aI-jc6iicgZFeyuOnxDtuEvt-3wc1ZrYBH_-Lr-.MZ6vFBMzt3wL4PxT (Passcode: pPYU3%5Q)
As a member of the Leadership Club/Associated Student Body, I:
led the Game Nights Committee, in which I organized our Halloween Game Night, helped organize a scavenger hunt for the 8th Grade Sleepover, and helped brainstorm/organize the Winter Ball dance
regularly participated in club meetings and events
I was also a member of the National Honor Society and campaigned for various roles, including president.