

Swim Instructor at YMCA El Camino:

(2023 Summer)

Camp Counselor at Steve and Kate's Camp:

(2023 Summer, 2024 Spring)


Most of these are from pandemic years (2020, 2021) since it was easier to record my speeches during that time.


I hosted a podcast called "As Far As I'm Concerned" with a couple of friends. We’re a relatively chill podcast that gives often-overlooked students and teachers a platform on which to express their opinions on social issues through a casual format they’re comfortable with.

Take a look at our linktree:


I was the head organizer of a social protest at my school. We requested school administration higher-ups to allow us to stick to a schedule with which school ends at 3:15 and students have mandatory office hours each day, in the interest of productivity, mental health, concept review freedom and traffic concerns. We successfully obtained this schedule for the 2022-2023 school year onward!

Petition Server Screenshots:


I started a blog called "Sugar, Spice and Everything Chaotic." In this blog, my friends and I discussed topics/issues we care about with a reader base of primarily our peers. We posted at a relatively consistent schedule of three posts a week (one post a week over the summer). Find us at! (We are on hiatus for the time being)